Friday, May 17, 2013

Wool-Eater CAL week 2

Im behind on posting my weekly posting as you can tell but here is the week 2 pictures!

Above is the back side view-
Lovely isnt it?

Front side view-

See what I mean? 
Both sides are amazing views!
Still not sure if I will make this into a full size blanket to fit the bed or if I will give this as a baby blanket to my soon to be grandbaby?
Hmmmm.. We'll see as I go. *wink*

Wool-Eater week 1

Here is my first week on the CAL.
I think this time it went a little quicker to get started since I had done this CAL before last year. Im really liking the color combo. What do you think?

Above is the back side view-

This is the front side view-

I like both sides to be honest.